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Island Alpaca Company on Martha's Vineyard
  • North American Alpaca Show 2013 - Second Place!

  • 2014

  • 2014 Profile

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  • 2014

  • Full Fleece

  • Silver's body fleece 2013!

  • Silver with her mother Angelina

  • Stunning!

  • Profile

  • 2012

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  • 2012

  • 2012

  • 2012

  • 2012

  • 2012

  • Silver Angel on her Birthday!

  • Silver Angel on her Birthday!

  • Silver Angel on her Birthday!

  • Silver Angel on her Birthday!

  • Silver Angel on her Birthday!

  • Silver Angel on her Birthday!

  • Silver Angel on her Birthday!

  • Silver Angel on her Birthday!

  • Silver Angel on her Birthday!

  • Silver Angel on her Birthday nursing from mother, Angelina!

  • Silver Angel on her Birthday with mother, Angelina!

  • Silver Angel on her Birthday just minutes old!

  • Silver Angel on her Birthday just minutes old!

Silver Angel (Silver Angel of Island Alpaca)

Silver Angel has won four First Place ribbons!

Silver Angel is one not to miss when anyone comes to visit the farm. Silver Angel, just like her sisters and brother: Angelica, Angelito, Anika, and Penelope look just like their dam Angelina, a champion and blue ribbon winner.

She's a gorgeous alpaca with a beautifully tight crimped and very bright classic silver grey fleece. It's very fine and has great uniform! It also lacks many of the black fiber you see mixed in with grey fleece. Her fleece is absolutely beautiful!

 The Alpaca Breeders Association has designated her EPD (Expected Progeny Differences) are in the top 10%!

Silver Angel, just like all of her siblings and dam, have an almost perfect phenotype! They have great conformation with a strong frame, they are thick-boned, have impressive top-knots, nice thick short muzzles, and overall a beautiful and pleasing look. Angelina seems to have very strong genetics! Her sire is Magic's Talon who has won a champion and multiple blues.

She's a very sweet and patient girl who loves to be out in the pasture and spend time with her best friend, Lotus. She's very easy to handle and is one eye-catching alpaca!

Silver Angel is ready to breed again. We suggest either our herd-sires Double Dee Revelation or Hot Shot. Either would likely produce amazing offspring!


Judge comments:

2016 Big E Alpaca Fleece Show judge Arturo Pena commented: "Excellent fineness and brightness! Nice handle for the age class."  

Fleece Score Highlights: Fineness/Handle, 19 out of 20. Length, 6 out of 7 possible points.

2016 MAPACA Jubilee Spin-Off judge Diana Timmerman commented: "Super bright and lustrous! Love the tiny little rose streaks here and there. Locks open beautifully. Outstanding drapw in this yarn - very soft and silky." 

Fiber Criteria Highlights: Uniformity of Length, 4 out of 5. Uniformity of Micron, 4 out of 5 possible points. 

Spinning Criteria Highlights: Ease of Carding, 5 out of 5. Ease of Spinning, 9 out of 10 possible points. 

2016 North American Alpaca Show Judge Helen Testa commented: "She is a really well proportioned female. She's got great substance under her. Really nice substance and really balanced in her frame. Nice level on that top line. She's really carrying a really nice fineness relative to her age. Really good rate growth as well as the organization. She's still carrying that, so it's always pleasing to see that as they grow older."

2016 North East Alpaca Expo Judge Peter Kennedy commented: "This female is very worthy of first place. Conformation is very correct, really balanced. Walked up very squarely. Looking at the fleece, the fleece is very fine for her age and it's quite consistent in micron. Giving it a really soft handling fleece and carries out very well into the extremities. Very worthy first place."

2016 Southern Select Spin-Off Judge Judy Keske commented: "Very pretty color and shine. Very Pretty Yarn. I love this color! "

2016 TXOLAN Spin-Off judge Roo Kline commented: "Ends of locks are SUPER BRIGHT and lustrous. Very consistent within lock as well as across sample. Very enojyable to spin. Silky to the touch. Very pretty lustrous yarn."

Fiber Criteria Highlights: Uniformity of Length, 4 out of 5. Uniformity of Micron, 4 out of 5 possible points.

Spinning Criteria Highlights: Ease of Carding, 4 out of 5. Ease of Drafting, 7 out 8. Ease of Spinning, 9 out of 10 possible points.

Yarn Criteria Highlights: First Impression, 5 out of 6. Brightness/Luster, 5 out of 6 possible points.

2015 Empire Alpaca Extravaganza Fleece Show - Judge commented: "Good fineness and handle." 

Fleece Score Highlights: Fineness/Handle, 18 out of 20. Length, 6 out of 7 possible points.  

2015 Big E Fleece Show - Judge Stephanie Glyptis commented: "Soft handle." 

Fleece Score Highlights: Micron, 6 out of 8. Length, 6 out of 7 out of 10 possible points.

2015 Southern Select Alpaca Show Spin-Off judge Judy Maxwell commented: "A unique color, makes a pretty yarn. Pretty color. Beautiful yarn. Glistens. Very soft, very slick - Yummy!"

Fiber Criteria Highlights: 1st Impression, 4 out of 5. Absence of Guard Hair, 5 out of 5. Uniformity of Length, 5 out of 5. Uniformity of Micron, 5 out 5 possible point. 

Spinning Criteria Highlights: Ease of Carding, 5 out of 5. Ease of Drafting, 7 out 8. Ease of Spinning, 9 out of 10 possible points.

Yarn Criteria Highlights: First Impression, 6 out of 6. Usability, 7 out of 7. Brightness/Luster, 6 out of 6. Handle, 6 out of 6 possible points. 

Silver Angel scored a 94/100 with her fleece! Amazing!

2014 VAOBA Alpaca Expo - Judge Ursula Munro commented: "Soft and fine fleece with lovely brightness."

Fleece Score Highlights: Length, 6 out of 7. Brightness, 8 out of 10 possible points.

2014 Green Mountain Alpaca Fall Spectacular Show - Judge Cheryl Gehly commented: "Very fine fleece - quite uniform and bright!!"

Fleece Score Highlights: Fineness/Handle, 19.5 out of 20. Micron, 7 out of 8. Length 6 out of 7. Brightness, 8 out of 10. Absence of Guard Hair, 8 out of 10 possible points.

2014 Empire Alpaca Extravaganza Show - Judge Wini Labrecque commented: "Good handle."

Fleece Score Highlights: Length 6 out of 7. Color, 4 out of 5 possible points.

2014 Big E Alpaca Fleece Show - Judge Wade Gease commented: "Pleasure to see uniformity and consistency in Grey."


2014 North American Alpaca Show - Judge Jude Anderson commented: "Fine and soft fleece. A lovely handle. Good staple length. Like the overall brightness of the fleece."


North American Alpaca Show 2013 - Judge Amanda VandenBosch commented: "Super fine and soft! Nicely dense with a good top line. Fleece is nice and consistent. Still growing!"


Offspring (1 male, 0 females): 1 total

ARI# Alpaca Name Gender D.O.B. Color Sire' ARI# Sire' Name
35418627 Revelation's Santiago of IslandAlpaca Male  7/13/17 Beige 32137248 Double Dee Revelation 




For more information or photos please email us at

Silver Angel of Island Alpaca is proudly sponsored by Lillian Santangelo, as a special gift from Marcia Prucha  (Bronze Sponsorship through 1/1/2024)

Silver Angel of Island Alpaca is proudly sponsored by Cole-Hunter Cantoff, as a special Happy Birthday gift from Baba & Lorelei  (Bronze Sponsorship through 3/1/2023)

Island Alpaca Silver Angel was proudly sponsored by Imogene Robinson as a gift from Angela Gendall (Bronze Sponsorship through 2/15/2023)

Island Alpaca Silver Angel was proudly sponsored by Jen Scannell as a gift from Dan Scannell (Silver Sponsorship through 12/24/2020)

Island Alpaca Silver Angel was proudly sponsored by Renee Fortinper as a gift from Carol Foster (Bronze Sponsorship through 12/01/2020)

Island Alpaca Silver Angel is proudly sponsored by Megan Hughes as a gift from Jennifer Liddell (Bronze Sponsorship through 1/1/2019)

Island Alpaca Silver Angel is proudly sponsored by Jackie Lyons as a gift from Karen Neander (Bronze Sponsorship through 1/1/2019)

Island Alpaca Silver Angel is proudly sponsored by Ellie Kantor (Silver Sponsorship through 1/01/2019)

Island Alpaca Silver Angel was proudly sponsored by Frederick Gibson (Silver Sponsorship through 9/08/2016)





Type: Hu
Gender: Female - Proven
Status: Bred
Birthdate: August 18, 2012
Heritage: 1/2 Chilean. 1/2 Peruvian
Registration: ARI
ARI#: 32755732
Color: Light Silver Grey
Price: Please Inquire.
Download PDF Certificate: Silver_Angel_of_Island_Alpaca_-_ARI_Certificate.jpg
Lineage: For lineage records, please click here.
Fiber Analysis:

2014 - AFD: 20.8, SD: 4.4, CV: 21.0%, %>30u: 3.7

2012 - AFD: 16.5, SD: 5.1, CV: 31.1%, %>30u: 1.1, SF: 17.7, MC: 36.4, SDC: 24.9, CF: 98.9%


2016 Big E Alpaca Fleece Show: First Place


2016 North American Alpaca Show - Halter, Full Fleece, Grey Mature


2016 Northeast Alpaca Expo - Halter, Full Fleece, Grey Mature

2016 TXOLAN Spin-Off: First Place

2015 Big E Alpaca Fleece Show: First Place

2015 Southern Select Alpaca Show Spin-Off: First Place

2014 Green Mountain Alpaca Fall Spectacular Fleece Show: First Place

2014 Big E Alpaca Fleece Show: First Place

Histogram:(click for larger view)

Island Alpaca Angelina

ARI#: 30863095

Heritage: Peruvian

Color: Beige

Angelina has beautifully dense fine fleece, an incredible top-knot, a strong body and a terrific future.


Angelina, was awarded her fifth blue ribbon. Angelina, at the Empire Fleece event, topped even MFI Astovine, who took a R. Championship at the AOBA Fleece show! Judge Cheryl  R. Gehly commented that it is "Very fine, soft, and uniform" giving it an 18.5 out of 20 possible points for fineness and handle. 


Angelina sheared 5-1/2 pounds of fleece at less than one year of age. This was 6% of her body weight at the time of her shearing, and is very impressive when you consider that a typical alpaca shears under 4 percent of fleece in a full year of growth.


With a sweet and gentle disposition, and her good looks, Angelina also has outstanding heritage; Her sire, prestigious  4Peruvian Altiplano, is an import from the Sollocata region of Peru and has produced an amazing number of show winners, Angelina included! (She was not shown prior to this, we could have expected a lot more!)


Her dam, Desni, is considered one of our best foundation females, a devoted mother, which we can expect for Angelina, and is a blue-ribbon winner herself for "Get of Dam" in 2007.


For Angelina's spring breeding 2009, we partnered her with Maple Brook's Angelo (ARI#: 833149). Angelo combines the genetics of two of the most recognized Accoyo herdsires in the country, Caligula and Felix, along with the finest and most notable Allianza male in the country, Hemingway. At 15.9 micron at 8 months of age Angelo held his fineness density handle and coverage, and was awarded the well deserved Championship at the Big E in the Fall of 2003. Angelo's fiber won a blue ribbon, best brightness, champion and JUDGE'S CHOICE at the 2004 Empire Extravaganza.


Angelina gave birth in June, 2010 to a truly gorgeous little boy, Angelito. He carries on his dam and sire's angelic tradition, and has himself ribboned in competitive classes.


Magic's Talon

ARI#: 30321649

Heritage: Full Chilean


Color: Medium Silver Grey


Each of Talon's first offspring took either a first place, Blue Ribbon and/or a Color Championship, to include September, 2010 at the Big E Alpaca Show. Lunette, (Seven alpaca in her class) took a first-place blue ribbon, and even more outstanding, a color champion banner for all browns with over twenty alpaca in total. Once again, Lunette took the blue in the "Bred and Owned" class, showing in a class of fifteen -up against the best of the best, including white blue ribbon winners! Very, very impressive for a brown! Talon's Purl, another offspring from 2009, took a blue, first place win, in her class of grey yearlings. 

Kudo's to Talon-with award-winning fiber that is just outstanding - which we know now, he passes along to his offspring! It's incredibly dense, with amazing character and high-frequency, tight, even crimp (from skin to his tips), fineness and luster! Add to that an absolutely even in color, spot-free blanket. Talon is the picture-perfect grey.

Talon, at the Alpaca Festival of Oregon, 2010, took the Reserve Color Championship for his fleece, with 16 alpaca in the competition, ten juvi's and yearlings included. Talon was the oldest with the exception of one competitor. Impressive for five years of age! Show results found here.

Amanda VandenBosch judging, gave him a 19 out of a 20 point score for fineness and handle, commenting "good evenness on fleece!" An amazing win = amazing fleece = amazing herd sire!

At another competition, Judge Wade Gease placed him third and added that the three top placing males all were quite even (First place winner was A.L Paca's Revolution) and that he actually preferred Talon's fleece. Talon placed third due to his adult teeth coming in, and Judge Gease said that with males so close he had to start to look for things in order to place them. 
Judge after judge comment on his build, and very even crimpy fleece! With Colorado genetics, and 12 grey's in his ARI, he's will likely add some great quality to your grey or colored breeding program!


Talon has one of the nicest personalities of an adult male alpaca. He's a true public relations Champ, very social with the staff, and many of our visitors.


Talon won first for his fleece at the Green Mountain Fall Spectacular of 2012! Judge commented, "Exhibiting good fineness, handle and character. Excellent!"


We are currently continuing to offer a low introductory breeding fee. Meet this future "Get-of-Sire Winner"!

Phone: 508-693-5554
Location: 1 Head of the Pond Road, Oak Bluffs, Martha's Vineyard
Mailing address: PO Box 1515, Vineyard Haven, MA 02568

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