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Alpaca for Sale investing in alpaca

Alpacas For Sale

Alpaca as an Investment:

  • We offer FREE financing for up to 12 months with 25% of total purchase paid in advance
  • We offer free board for THREE months with the purchase of alpacas from our breeding program. Fiber-quality alpacas will be agisted for up to 2 weeks free of charge
  • Free transport of any female alpaca within a 150 mile radius (Does not apply for alpaca in Package Specials and any discounted alpaca.)
  • Full disclosure of all medical history and health care records
  • Ongoing support and consultation
  • Industry standard guarantees on all breeding stock: Live birth guarantees and warranties, and full reproductive capability for our females
  • Generous discounts available on multiple alpaca purchases
  • Complimentary halter and lead

For the alpaca enthusiast, there are many options that exist to create a solid financial future by investing in the alpaca. Here are a few options for consideration:

Alpaca Ownership

It is best to first consider what your individual goals are for owning alpaca.  Would you prefer owning an inexpensive pair of pet quality males for fiber production or family enjoyment? Are you planning on becoming a part-time or full-time breeder? Do you wish to have hands-on ownership or investment only? Will you invest in alpacas for current financial returns or are you going to build a herd toward the day you retire?

Whichever way you choose to become involved, there is a plan for you. The alpaca industry is very young and represents a ground floor opportunity. There are a limited number of investments that have the potential to reproduce themselves every year as an alpaca does. Breeders can profit from staying small or growing into larger farms in the future. Nationwide, the average farm has 12 alpacas.*

Tax Advantages

The tax code for 2010 will allow a deduction of up to $250,000 for eligible personal property used in your trade or business (alpaca breeding for example). The deduction is taken on Form 4562 and is taken in lieu of deprecation. This amount may be used to offset any other earned income you may have (will not offset interest, dividends, rental income, etc.). There are limitations if you have a Subchapter S Corporation, LLC or Partnership as the entity must have income to offset the Section 179 deduction for it to pass through to your personal return.

As a simple example, if you have $75,000 in alpaca purchases (or tractors, etc) and have $100,000 of earned income you will have reduced your income to $25,000 before consideration of your other activities and deductions. The Section 179 deduction will be reduced to $25,000 in 2011 and beyond.  There are always rumors that Congress will change the tax law to reflect the higher deduction limits on a permanent basis.  We will let you know when (and if) that ever happens. If you have a CPA or other tax professional you may discuss these issues with them before you finalize your plans.

Real Estate Tax Valuations: Since alpaca are a federally recognized form of livestock, there may even be a reduction in local real estate taxes with a change in use, that livestock creates. Something to look into, at the local level.

Helpful Publications:
Farm Business Expenses

Publication 225 IRS Farmers Tax Guide
  Please note section: "What's New for 2011"
Deprecitating Property
2009 Tax Law Changes Provide Saving Opportunities for Nearly Everyone:
Massachusetts Zoning Law

Hands-on Ownership

Many investors are choosing to leave the boardroom and head for the barn. Alpacas ownership can provide a stress-reduced, rural lifestyle while generating tax deferred wealth for the future. Raising alpacas qualifies for tremendous tax benefits.

Investment Only

If you are not in a position to tend to the alpacas yourself but want to reap the rewards of owning them, there are options for you as well. You can purchase the alpacas and board (or agist them) where someone else can provide the care. Your investment is compounding at an amazing rate and the cost of board is tax deductible for income tax purposes. If you like, you can board them at Island Alpaca farm, or a farm in close proximity to your residence so you can visit them whenever you choose, and get involved in the manage ment and husbandry of them.

Alpaca Compounding

Alpaca compounding is actually quite simple. Female alpacas produce one offspring every 11 to 12 months. The ratio of male to female is 50/50. Your female crias will be ready to breed between the ages of 16 to 24 months. Every time a female cria comes to breeding age you are adding one more source of new animals to your herd. You can also sell the female cria and purchase another female alpaca of breeding age, therefore, saving almost 2 years of time. This is alpaca compounding. The larger the herd, the faster it grows.

When a male cria is born, the options exist to sell him as a potential herd sire, keep him to breed to your unrelated females, or keep/sell him as a fiber/pet-quality alpaca.

Alpacas are hardy animals and the mortality rate is very low. However, death does occur and this may affect the return on investment. Your alpacas are fully insurable with a vet exam and a yearly premium.

Income From Fiber

Alpaca fleece is widely known as one of the world's finest fibers, but it remains very rare. For every 32 pounds of sheep's wool, less than one ounce of alpaca fiber is produced.

The herds outside South America are not generally large enough to support industrial processing. However, fiber co-operatives have emerged which offer a ready market for breeders. Alpaca is also treasured by cottage industries and many breeders sell to directly to local spinners and weavers. The price that you receive for your fiber usually covers the cost for caring for your alpacas for the year.

There are just over 150,000 registered alpacas in the United States today,* so the need for more farms is great in order to meet the growing demand for fiber.
* (Based on Alpaca Registry Inc. statistics, 2010)

Alpaca as Pets/Fiber Quality Animals:

Island Alpaca Company is now offering alpacas for sale to those who simply want to own them as pets, as fiber producers, or perhaps to replace their lawnmowers!  Most animals are halter trained. Our alpacas are quality males with great fiber and are a great way to get started in the alpaca business at a very reasonable price.

Our pet/fiber alpacas are healthy, well cared for animals with great personalities. They are males who may not have, or it is not yet known, if the alpaca have all the characteristics imperative for a herd sire. Most have been handled since birth and have been successfully halter/lead trained.  They may have show ring experience. Their fiber will produce quality roving for the hand spinner, or yarn for the avid fiber enthusiast. They are a sensible purchase for families and spinners who want to enjoy their alpaca’s company and fiber but are not interested in breeding, or would like to gain experience by owning alpaca before entering into ownership of breeding stock.

Pet/fiber quality animal and would be registered as a non-breeder. Reclassification to a breeding status must have prior approval, and a supplemental fee to be used as a herd-sire.

Purchasing Alpaca: At What Price Level?

    Price: There are pet/fiber quality alpacas that can be sold for as little as $300. These will not have registration papers and/or are neutered. There have been alpacas sold at auction where a very special herd sires were sold for over $750,000. But the median price for a herd sire quality male alpaca would likely be in the range of  $5,000 and a very good quality male to about $15,000. Often two or three breeders will purchase a good quality male together and share the expenses as well as the use of the male. This is a good strategy if you can find other breeders with whom you feel comfortable entering into a business arrangement.

    Most new breeders will likely purchase a few bred females and continue to breed these females to improved quality herd sires until they produce their own herd sire-quality male.  This is less costly than buying a top-quality herd-sire but may take a little time. If you have chosen good quality females and good quality breedings, you should, in time, produce your own future herd sire - maybe several.

    Bred female alpacas or male alpacas who are of breeding age typically cost more than younger alpacas who may have to be maintained for a year or longer before they reach maturity. Mid-range price for good quality bred female alpacas somewhere between $5,000 and $15,000, but this varies a great deal.

    There are many lower quality females who can be purchased for less, but it is not logical to think that you will get the best quality offspring out of such females. That "great bargain" female won't look like such a bargain when you find that you cannot sell her poor quality off-spring. What about a great looking young female out of two so-so parents? This is when you must remind yourself that phenotype (looks) is not always genotype (the traits that the parent will pass on to their offspring.) It may be wiser to go with a bloodline that has many members who are all of good quality. But in the end, it is suggested that one purchases the best quality alpaca that they can afford, and choose breedings to improve the females off-spring.

    One choice a new breeder could take would be is to consider a lower priced, older female who has already produced several cria. Many new breeders often want to buy young females because they may appear to be of a higher quality. As alpaca age, they may not have the same presence as the younger animal, but may still be a very high quality animal, and a terrific producer. It also may be wise for a new breeder to purchase a female that has already had offspring, and is a proven mom.

Services at Island Alpaca Farm:

Please read more about the services that we offer with the sale of our animals here.

Farm-Stay Special Offer:

Should you be visiting the island to tour our farm and alpaca for possible purchase, the cost of your overnight stay would be applied towards your alpaca purchase. If you would be visiting to conduct a breeding (either drive-by or farm-stay breeding) you can be our guests for the night! (Subject to availability.) Please view our homes on our Accommodations Page


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Two Alpaca Young Male Special #3 | Male - Jr. Herd Sires
This package includes two lovely alpaca. All animals are unproven, well acquainted with each other and would be great for any home!
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Not For Sale.
Revelation (Double Dee Revelation) | Male - Herd Sires
Six Champions and Twelve Blues. Double Dee Revelation is a six time Color Champion and a super grey herd sire. He is a spectacular grey creation of style, presence, conformation, highly advanced fleece and profound genetics. His grey genealogy is unmatched and the breeding is proven. Revelation's evolution descends from a remarkable lineage which is full of champions. If you are looking to add the highest level of grey evolution into your breeding program, look no further than Double Dee Revelation!
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Lunette (Lunette of Island Alpaca) | Female - Proven
Two Champions and Five Blues. Lunette is a marvel! Fine lustrous crimp that is very dense and bright. She takes after her dam, Luna with blue ribbons in hand, a color champion and best in a "Bred & Owned" class of fifteen alpaca! Lunette's first cria, Larissa is just as beautiful as her and Lunette's amazing fleece qualities have been passed down to her gorgeous brown daughter. We are really looking forward to seeing how her future cria turn out to be! Lunette is the granddaughter of the very well-known 4Peruvian Altiplano Gold. Lunette won "Produce of Dam" at the 2017 Big E Alpaca show with her two cria Luciana and Leonardo!
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Dom Perignon (Island Alpaca I-Star's Dom Perignon) | Male - Herd Sires
Dom is a very solid male at Island Alpaca. He has a very nice bite, terrific conformation, and ultra fine fleece you can see and feel!
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Purl (Talon's Purl of Island Alpaca) | Female - Proven
Three First Place Ribbons. Purl is one to watch! A beautiful grey Purl is with her tremendously fine, bright fleece and quality conformation, we look forward to watching her grow! A tuxedo patterned grey, Purl is almost spot free. Her sire is Magic's Talon, a male who has won one champion and multiple blues.
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Anika (Estrada's Anika of Island Alpaca) | Female - Proven
Four Blues and Highest Scoring Fleece. Anika is a carbon copy of her Champion dam Angelina. Her fleece is a beautiful white that is lustrous, very fine, and dense. Anika scored a 96.5/100 with her fleece at Alpacapalooza in 2013. Amazing! She is the granddaughter of 4Peruvian Altiplano Gold and her sire, CT Estrada, is an 8x Champion and has won over 30 First Place Ribbons!
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Ariana (Madigan's Ariana of Island Alpaca) | Female - Unproven
Four Blues and Two Highest Scoring in Color Group Ribbons. Ariana is a large female with beautiful dark fawn fleece. Her most noticeable characteristic is her fleece which has prized luster that is dense with a bold crimp and an incredible staple length! Fantastic lineage Ariana has! She is the granddaughter of the famous multiple champion winner, CCNF Archangel.
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Reduced: $9,500
Arias (Archangel's Arias) | Female - Proven
Archangel's Arias is truly one of Island Alpacas favorites! Arias has fine fiber with a very lustrous bold crimp, a perfect bite and conformation. An amazing genetic line Arias has which includes: Peruvian Hemingway and multiple champion winner, CCNF Archangel.
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Atticus Rex (Estrada's Atticus Rex of Island Alpaca) | Male - Jr. Herd Sires
Two First Place Ribbons. Atticus Rex is a gorgeous boy who has nice lustrous crimped fine fleece with an amazing posture. He's a very curious and sweet who's always interested in what's going on around him. He has an amazing genetic line that includes multiple champion winners CCNF Archangel and Snowmass Nova. His sire, CT Estrada, is an 8x Champion who has won over 30 First Place Ribbons!
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Horatio | Male - Jr. Herd Sires
Fabulous Black Male with superfine fleece, and an abundance of curl. Sweet, curious disposition. Fabulous bloodlines!
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Please Inquire
Hot Shot (Estrada's Hot Shot of Island Alpaca) | Male - Herd Sires
Two Champions, One Best Crimp and Two First Place Ribbons. Hot Shot, or as we like to call him Hugo, is another one of our sweet alpacas. He is very well halter trained and his fleece is very fine and uniform. He has a great phenotype and his conformation and bite are fabulous! His sire, CT Estrada, is an 8x Champion and has won over 30 First Place Ribbons!
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Hunter (Estrada's Hunter of Island Alpaca) | Male - Jr. Herd Sires
One First Place Ribbon. Hunter has some very beautiful fleece. He's got a wonderful conformation and phenotype. He's thick-boned and has a great top-knot. He's a very sweet and curious boy who enjoys giving shy kisses. A lovely disposition Hunter has! His sire, CT Estrada, is an 8x Champion and has won over 30 First Place Ribbons!
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Kassie of Island Alpaca | Female - Unproven
Kassie is a lovely, pure white female and an impressive lineage with the likes of some highly notable genetics. Kassie would be a great addition to any herd.
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Khan D'Or (Khan D'Or of Island Alpaca) | Male - Herd Sires
Khan D'Or is truly a "golden-boy" as his nickname implies he is the closest we have seen to a literal golden fleece. Khan D'Or is quite large for an alpaca, but he has a heart of gold! His sire is the well-known Aga Khan who has won 11 Champions, his grandfathers are the famous Snowmass Legacy Gold and Snowmass Royal Rose. A legendary lineage!
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Please Inquire.
Leonardo (Lucca's Leonardo of Island Alpaca) | Male - Jr. Herd Sires
One Judge's Choice Ribbon, One Best Crimp Ribbon, One Best Brightness Ribbon, and Two First Place Ribbon. An absolutely stunning male! This young male showing all of the qualities his dam, and his sire: our very own Estrada's Lucca of Island Alpaca, who has won two Champions and 13 First Place Ribbons. Leonardo's dam, Lunette of Island Alpaca has won two Championships and four First Place Ribbons. Leonardo's fleece is showing a high frequency crimp and very fine. We look forward to watching him grow and we are excited to show him in the future!
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Please Inquire.
Luciana (Lucca's Luciana of Island Alpaca) | Female - Proven
Three First Place Ribbons. Luciana, what a gorgeous young female! She is an exact replica of her sire. Her conformation is outstanding, with nice straight legs, with a solid frame. Her fleece shows a lovely tight crimp that is fine, very bright and showing great character.
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Serafina of Island Alpaca | Female - Proven
Content coming
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Please Inquire.
Silver Angel (Silver Angel of Island Alpaca) | Female - Proven
Eight First Place Ribbons. Silver Angel is a gorgeous young alpaca with a beautifully tight crimped and very bright classic silver grey fleece. Her fleece is absolutely beautiful! She's a very sweet and patient girl and is one eye-catching alpaca! She is the granddaughter of 4Peruvian Altiplano Gold and her sire is Magic's Talon, who has won a champion and multiple blues.
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Thunder Gold (Estrada's Thunder Gold of Island Alpaca) | Male - Jr. Herd Sires
Mutiple First Place Wins! Thunder Gold has fabulous conformation with fleece that has a very bold crimp that is very fine and bright. He is the Grandson of Snowmass Peruvian Avalanche. His sire, CT Estrada, is an 8x Champion and has won over 30 First Place Ribbons!
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Phone: 508-693-5554
Location: 1 Head of the Pond Road, Oak Bluffs, Martha's Vineyard
Mailing address: PO Box 1515, Vineyard Haven, MA 02568

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